… and on top of this you are passionate about photography + your heart bits faster when you see cute kids clothes, the result can be only one: you buy that fifth dress, convince the whole family to be patient and spend some time during a busy weekend on preparation for the photo shooting.
Like any photo session it requires time to find a suitable location, to chase a good light, to make sure the outfit looks still clean after your kid decided to sit in the middle of the road, to be creative and to invent impossible sounds to attract their attention 🙂 it can be very funny (when you look from the side)!
Cardigan — Zara Kids, Dress — Noukie’s, Shoes — Cyrillus
That little yellow flower was found on the floor next to the flower shop by my great assistant — Vadim, my son, who likes more and more to help during our own family photo sessions. All what I like — colorful accessories adding a special touch for calmer main outfit.
Coat — Cyrillus
Behind the scenes 🙂
The same model but home location and a lovely marine dress we got as a gift from friends.
Dress — Petit bateau
And our last outfit for this post — is a classy dress we have bought for Christmas but as you see it can perfectly be worn during spring time when beautiful magnolia is in full blossom.
Dress — Les enfantines
That was our first attempt for a fashion style shooting. And we are keen to continue 🙂
With love,
Evgenia & Juliette