We made the Family photo session with this gorgeous baby back in September, when Arthur was only 4 months old. Today is his first (or as his mom said “truly the second”) Birthday, and I would like to bring back the memories of that shooting day and congratulate the amazing 3 A (Anastasija + Albert + Arthur) family with such an important milestone in their lives.

8 months ago…

I always discuss with my clients the preparation for the photo session. Anastasija was very much involved into the process (to choose the accessories, the clothes etc), and this really helped to created the images with the style as we wanted initially: simple, natural, light.

I am so grateful that thanks to my work I meet wonderful people. And when it’s your compatriot – it makes it even more precious! Anastasija charmed me with her gentle character, beauty, intelligence, style… Her boys are really lucky to have such a woman next to them 🙂


Happy Birthday dear Arthurchik! You have everything to be a happy baby, and you are! I wish this happiness only grows with every new day of your life!

С Днём Рождения, маленькое солнышко! Свети ярко на радость своим маме и папе, а также всем родным и близким, кто любит тебя! Расти здоровеньким, любознательным, беспечным, и я очень надеюсь на скорую встречу, чтоб расцеловать твои аппетитный щёчки!

I will be really glad to hear from you in the comments!
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