par Evgenia | Août 4, 2020 | Family, Non classifié(e)
par Evgenia | Fév 13, 2020 | Family, Non classifié(e), Travel
Creating photo memories for the families visiting Brussels as tourists – is one of my favourite type of shooting. I do my best to welcome the foreign clients in the warmest way by guiding them through the beautiful places, telling interesting stories about this...
par Evgenia | Fév 13, 2018 | Family, Non classifié(e), Personal, Travel
Just 1,5 hours drive from Brussels towards the Ardennes and you can magically enter another world! This is what we did this weekend. Our son – Vadim – was asking about snow since the autumn started, and we simply could not ignore his wish! Going to Russia...
par Evgenia | Déc 17, 2017 | Family, Non classifié(e)
Chèque cadeau Naissance, anniversaire, baptême, histoire d’amour, noël, anniversaire de mariage… Les occasions ne manquent pas pour faire un cadeau spécial ! Cela fera un souvenir inoubliable à la personne qui le reçoit. Ce chèque cadeau est très facile à...
par Evgenia | Nov 17, 2017 | Family, Non classifié(e)
Today is a very special day – the fifth anniversary of my son Vadim. He was so proud this morning to show finally five fingers gesture with his hand (yes, you have to be patient when you are one of the youngest kids in your class of Troisième Maternelle) that he...
par Evgenia | Juin 7, 2017 | Family, Non classifié(e)
Photographing newborns is one of my favourite activities and probably one of the most challenging as well. Every baby is unique and each session can be different: some babies will be calm and sleeping during the photo shoot, others can stay awake all the time. During...